

What Your Subway Line Says About Your Smoking Style

In New York City, different train routes take on different cannabis-smoking personalities. Or maybe I was just really high when I wrote this… 

Back in the early ʼ80s, prior to New York City’s crack epidemic, you could get away with smoking cannabis anywhere, including on public transportation. I know this not because I was old enough to light a joint on the M79 crosstown (although I did pick up a handful of discarded crack vials and put them in my little-girl purse at the age of four), but because my dad told me. Dads are pretty trustworthy, right?

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How to Do Drugs Without Ruining Your Life

A satirical guide on how to make good choices when you’re already making bad choices

Calling all party stimulators, troublemakers, rebel-rousers, reality-rejecters, and those who prefer not to think about the future! Everyone else, keep it moving. Fact: Drugs are lame and kind of embarrassing, at least if you admit your appreciation for them in the wrong company. Another fact: Drugs can be both fun and useful. They can also destroy your life, but I’m a spiked glass-half-full kind of person. As long as you counter your days and late nights of untamed hedonism, dirty debauchery, and generally illicit behavior with healthiness and balance, your life should remain relatively in tact. And if it doesn’t, disregard everything I say, always.

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What to Wear When You Want to Get It On in a Public Place

It's not necessarily ideal. But once in awhile, it has to happen. Whether you’re a late adolescent without a welcoming, parent-free home, an adult with a major case of arrested development (or nosy roommates), or you merely have the horniness level of a teenage boy, every now and then this tricky situation presents itself. You’re out with the person who gets you all atwitter at say, a restaurant and you suddenly find yourselves both so lusty for each other you need to go bang. Right at that very moment. In say, the bathroom of this hypothetical restaurant. Sorry, restaurant!

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A Cheating Survival Guide

Full disclosure: I cheated my way through school. From elementary to tenth grade, I prided myself on being sneaky and getting away with it, which included plans as simple as sitting across from the hyper-smart nerd and stealthily swiping answers or hiding notes on the floor of the chemistry lab, as well as those of a more elaborate variety, like scribbling Spanish conjugations on strategic parts of my legs. I knew it was wrong, per se, but I rationalized it takes dedication and cunning to cheat successfully, so I was proving my intelligence in another way. 

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The Irresponsible Idiot's Guide to Finance

How to get down and dirty with your money – or what little is left of it  

Money has never been my forte. Growing up, though, I did impress my parents with my self-disciplined ability to save my allowance. I would put five-dollar bills in my bubblegum pink “safe” box until they’d add up to a hundred and counting. But by the time I was 12 or 13, all frugality, as well as common sense, had gone out the window. Money wasn’t for saving. It was for spending.

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A Case for Not Wearing Shirts or Pants

You know what I find to be annoying? When people say, "Hey, Anna, where are your pants?" or "You know, a sports bra is not a top." To that I respectively respond, "My pants are collecting dust in my closet where they belong" and "Tell that to my torso. Who asked you anyway?"

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StyleAnna del Gaizo
The Basics: Top 10 Semi-Eternal Essentials

Necessary items every self-respecting woman-child should own

1. Leather Motorcycle Jacket
This needs no explanation. Equally helpful for the everyday grind and adventurous nights out, equally suitable for T-shirts and jeans, floral or lace dresses, and gala-ready evening gowns, it is a timeless staple that is well-worth a decent investment...

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StyleAnna del Gaizo
How to Make Everyone Fall in Love With You

It’s easier than it sounds! Simple tactics that will have the entire world swooning at your feet

1. Apply eye contact, smiles, and good posture.
Who invited Emily Post? As old-fashioned – and obvious – as it sounds, actively looking people in the eye when they’re speaking and standing up like you’re proud of who you are make a big difference. Employing deliberate eye contact, also known as engaging, proves you to be self-assured. It makes the person with whom you’re conversing feel important, and people love to feel important. They also love to hear themselves talk, and they love to talk about themselves. Pretend you are interested in what they have to say. Widen your eyes when they tell you something that’s meaningful to them.

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Anna del Gaizo
How to Play It Cool

How to find your cool, keep it, run with it, and eventually cling to it like grim death

1. Define your own “cool” terms.
Successfully playing it cool isn’t as simple as finding a balance between being a needy bitch and an ice queen, or a desperado and a casanova. It’s emanating a particular brand of appealing insouciance that feels almost unattainable to others.

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Sex & CultureAnna del Gaizo
Alexander Wang: Commercial Artiste or Appropriator Extraordinaire?

In 2005, Alexander Wang, a recent attendee of Parsons, launched his own knitwear label, a line of slouchy cashmere sweaters in possession of the cool factor. Two years later, his ready-to-wear officially arrived, via Fall 2007 New York fashion week, and critics praised the promise of the 23-year-old's sloppy, streetwise aesthetic, sure to appeal to party girls and downtown socialites. That it did, and then some.

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C'Mon, Barbie, Let's Go Party: Moschino's Spring '15 Collection and the Kistch Question

Subtle he is not. That we've known about Jeremy Scott for years, he of the snuggly teddy bear-tongued Adidas, Shrek-themed tees and sweaters, leather jacket-shaped bags, and Pink Poodle collection, which happened to be his gloriously tacky breakthrough back in 1997 (enter Elle Woods four years later). Also known as the reigning king of "junk culture," when California-boy Scott started at Moschino last year, he said, "It's the closing of one chapter and the beginning of a new one." McDonald's-themed pieces followed, and suddenly Ronald was having a moment.

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StyleAnna del Gaizo
Everything Good About the Marc Jacobs Spring '15 Show

While everybody has already moved on to Milan, we're still in New York (literally and figuratively), letting the Marc Jacobs show marinate. It was surreal, complete with a mind-bending audio recording and a Pepto-Bismol pink set that included a Wizard of Oz-inspired house and a glowing concrete runway. It was fun, with silhouettes that ran the gamut from baggy and boyish to friskily nymphet-esque. It was at once soft and strong, playing up classic themes of juxtaposition, without so much as a hint of pushed effort. And it was quintessential, uncut, liberated Marc Jacobs.

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StyleAnna del Gaizo
Sex, Drugs, and Rockin' Raves: The Cast of Characters at Spring'15 New York Fashion Week

Now that New York Fashion Week is officially over (mourn! Rejoice! Shove off to London! Go take a nap!), we can take a step back and survey the eclectic cast of characters who made a showing this season. Not on the sidewalk outside Lincoln Center and Milk Studios (enough of you so-called street-style stars), but on the runways. Here's who to look out for, and possibly fear, come Spring 2015:

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StyleAnna del Gaizo
Why I'm Finally Speaking Up About What Terry Richardson Did to Me

When I was 12 years old, my mother hit pause on the VCR player, stopping the movie we were watching. I’m pretty sure it was starring Ashley Judd, and it could have been A Time to Kill, but all I remember is that whatever it was involved rape. She told me, with tears in her eyes, that when she was 23 years old, she was abducted by a stranger, held captive in the Southern California woods, and brutally raped to within an inch of her life.

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How to Be the Life of the Party

Stimulate, intoxicate, exhilarate…then vacate!

1. Know the scene. And dress accordingly.
There’s a myriad genre of parties out there, and each one has a specific vibe and an unspoken dress code. Unless, of course, the event is of the engraved-invitation variety, and in that case, the code is pretty direct.

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What to Wear When You Want to Shroud Yourself in Black

Forget about the "new black" or old black . The purpose of wearing black isn't just to look magazine-editor "chic." Perhaps you're feeling a little morose. Or you want to embrace your inner goth teenager. Or you don't want to have to worry about getting a dirty. There are some days when color just feels wrong (too much on the eyes!), and the saturation of the darkest shade in the spectrum is so right.

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Places I've Woken Up

Try as I might, not every ends with a clean, makeup-free face and silken pajamas

Of the 10,080 minutes in the week, 9:00 p.m. on Friday is the most exhilarating. The weekend is full of promise and you don’t know where the night will take you. Cut to twelve hours later, give or take, and you awaken. Groggy, with a stuffed-up nose and a rancid taste in your mouth. Perhaps next to a snoring stranger who looked a lot better through your beer goggles in that bar’s gracious veil of darkness… wait, which bar was it?

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How to Fake It

Forget faking it ‘til you make it. Fake it ‘til you feel great!

1. Appreciate the difference between fake and phony.
Disregard the negative connotation. Faking it isn’t about pretending you have it all together (the reality is no one in the world really does, anyway) or about sticking yourself with more emotional work, like feigning cheerfulness when you’re having a seriously rough go. There’s a big difference between faking it and being phony. Phony people are the worst. Being phony is not only vaguely deplorable; it’s a grave waste of time and energy.

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How to Go Out at Night Alone and Have a Blast

Social anxiety, and tradition, be damned! Who says you have to have friends or plans to have a killer night?

1. Trust yourself. But not anyone else.
At least not in a genuine manner. Even if you manage to get in with a group (see Tip #7), you must be wary and shrewd, in order to avoid getting roofied, taken advantage of, robbed, attacked, sodomized, and the like. Indeed, there’s a big difference between having a blast and getting blasted. Keep your street-smart skepticism well in tact, while remaining open-minded to what the evening might bring.

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